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World Class Internet / Online Drum Tracks. Listen and interact LIVE with online remote recording studio session drummer Matt Laug.
(Alanis Morissette "Jagged Little Pill", Slash's Snakepit and more.)


Meet Grammy award winning engineer and owner of Studio City Sound, Tom Weir. Tom has worked with many successful recording artist like: Rod Stewart, Graham Nash, Weezer, Eric Clapton, Kelly Clarkson and Willie Nelson just to name a few.
Matt and Tom have enjoyed working together for the past 20 years.
Now with the help of this website, Matt and Tom are able to give you world class drum tracks for your next recording project no matter where you live!

Studio A
Studio A is the main recording room at Studio City Sound. In the room there is a DW drum kit mic-ed and ready to go. The kit consists of a 10x12" Rack Tom, 14x16" Hanging Floor Tom, 18x24" Kick, and a 1970's 6.5x14" Ludwig Black Beauty Snare.
Matt will also provide any additional cymbals,drums and percussion from his own personal collection that he feels would best serve your song(s).
Being a signed Remo artist Matt has free access to their vast warehouse of world percussion. Should your compositions need anything from taiko drums to marching band instruments, Matt's got it covered.
To view Studio A's complete list of microphones and recording
equipment, please click here.